Adventure Travel

Central Asia: More Fun with Friends

It’s easy to have a good time on the Central Asia Rally.

Participants on the Central Asia Rally tend to be adventurous, independent-minded, and capable. So, you might ask, why bother joining up with us, when they could make the journey themselves? Well, it turns out that there are plenty very good reasons, actually!

Don’t Get Lost

Well, you’ll probably still get lost. But when you do, you won’t be stranded alone. Others teams can help you out. And sometimes, you might know exactly where you are, and even where you need to be, but not how to get there; sometimes the road has disappeared, sometimes it was never there in the first place. This is when working together to find a solution is invaluable!

Driving Buddies

best from from the central asia rally
Even when things are going well, it’s still far better to have friends with you. In terms of your team, you can share shifts, and ensure you don’t go crazy. But even when it comes to other teams, it can be far more relaxing knowing there is another car with you, in case you get into any trouble.

Keeping Yourself Sane

Other teams aren’t just useful in times of trouble. The inside of a vehicle can seem to get smaller and smaller as you drive thousands of miles. Tensions may get frayed, so having others to chat to can be welcome relief. They may even be interesting people!

Drinking to Success

Of course, it’s not just chatting you’ll do with other teams. At the end of a long day driving, you’ll recount your favourite stories over beers, or perhaps a stronger local beverage…

Share the Memories

Finally, the stories from the Central Asia Rally won’t just be worth telling on the evenings of the trip. You will likely have experiences that you’re friends will scarcely believe, but they’ll still eventually get bored of you regaling them with anecdotes about your trip of a life time. However, that’s when other participants come in handy: they’ll never tire of looking back on the trip with you, even years into the future!

Liked this story? Are you getting that itch to travel and go on an adventure? Then join us on the next Central Asia Rally. Find a team of like-minded crazies and we’ll see you at the starting line. If you want to join us in the virtual world then drop us a like on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagramto keep up with our latest antics.

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