
Apps for Off-Roading Through Central Asia


It doesn’t matter what type of trip we’re talking about; it’s best to arrive prepared for anything and everything. Your smart phone could help you out in more ways than one, so here are the apps for off-roading through Central Asia. Happy adventuring!

Photo Credit: Georgie Pauwels

Sometimes, it’ll happen that you have no Wi-Fi or a mobile Internet connection. It’s a long road, it may occur. So, why not download a collection of offline maps that will help you identify the way to go? It works with your phone’s GPS, so even if you’re in a 4G-free zone, there’s no way you’ll get lost.

Know Where You're Going. Photo Credit: Ian Carroll
Know Where You’re Going. Photo Credit: Ian Carroll

XE Currency

How many Tenges is a US dollar? How many Somonis is a Euro? The easiest solution to know exactly how much money you should receive at the exchange office is to download this app. Just tap in the amounts and violà! you’re in the possession of valuable knowledge. This handy travel app also works without an Internet connection.


Carrying a heavy dictionary with you for each language might not be the ideal solution to make yourself be understood. Thankfully, there is an offline app that acts as a pocket phrasebook. Each time you want to convey a message, just take out your smartphone, select the language and start speaking! You can also use Google Translate, which has an offline mode on the Android OS.

So Where Should I Put These? Photo Credit: Thomas Galvez
So Where Should I Put These? Photo Credit: Thomas Galvez

iTranslate Voice

Although an Internet connection is needed for this language app, you’ll find that it can be extremely useful; you talk into it in your native language, select the language you want it to translate the phrase into, and in an instant, you’ll get the freshly translated sentence.

Trip Journal

The number one Google Awarded Travel App, this definitely should be on your list of apps to download for your trip. It is available for all types of operation systems, and is wonderfully interactive; you can share (or just keep to yourself) real-time updates about your trip in the form of photos, videos or descriptions. Your route will also become visible in real time to you and your friends, so everyone can keep track of your adventures.

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Pocket and Instapaper

You have Wi-Fi for a split second, and you laid eyes on an article about Central Asia that interests you. Unfortunately, it’s quickly time to go again, so you give up on try to read through the article. If only you could save it and go back to it when you’re in an Internet-free zone… well, with Pocket and Instapaper, you CAN! Just save the page and come back to it later. See? Easy as pie!

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