
The Highlights of the Central Asia Rally 2017


The Highlights of the Central Asia Rally: from camping on a sea to lunch among the mountains.

The Central Asia Rally 2017 was a great success, and we have already brought you recaps from the early days to final stages. Now it’s time to judge the best moments and stories from the entire event. Here are the highlights of the Central Asia Rally 2017.

Camping on the Aral Sea

highlights of the central asia rally

The Central Asia Rally attracts an adventurous bunch, but even they may have been concerned by the idea of camping at sea. How does it work? Well, sadly, Soviet irrigation projects mean that the once-vast Aral Sea is now almost entirely dried up. Still, rusted boats make very atmospheric camping companions.

Silk Road History

highlights of the central asia rally
Following in the footsteps of centuries of adventurers, participants on the Central Asia Rally 2017 saw many historic gems of the Silk Road. The grand buildings and winding lanes of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva, are always a highlight for lovers of history.

The High Pamirs

highlights of the central asia rally

Teams ventured deep into the heart of Central Asia, which requires driving high into the Pamir Mountains. Known as the “rooftop of the world”, you don’t get these sort of views on a normal holiday!


highlights of the central asia rally
The participants who made it to Lake Song Kul were treated to an incredible night staying in yurts, the best bread of the entire trip, and the chance to ride horses. The scenery wasn’t half-bad either.

Getting Help from Locals

highlights of the central asia rally
One of the best things about Travel Scientists‘ adventures is that you have to turn-off the sat-nav and think for yourself. You can’t always trust maps, and sometimes the only solution is to find somebody who actually knows what they are talking about. It’s all part of the fun.

The Eternal Quest for Fuel

highlights of the central asia rally
Another aspect of the Central Asia Rally that a novice adventurer might not expect is just how difficult it is to find fuel. You can’t just nip to the nearest petrol station, and when you’re in need you have to take what you can find. If someone is selling fuel by the side of the road, you graciously accept the opportunity!


highlights of the central asia rally
We don’t recommend travelling thousands of miles and testing your endurance to the limit just to find a great spot for lunch… but it’s certainly a positive.



Liked this story? Are you getting that itch to travel and go on an adventure? Then join us on the next Central Asia Rally. Find a team of like-minded crazies and we’ll see you at the starting line. If you want to join us in the virtual world then drop us a like on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagramto keep up with our latest antics.

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